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Family Bombyliidae
This page contains pictures and information about Thraxan Bee Flies
that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Female and male, body length 10mm
- Abdomen segments 5-7 lateral margins with white hairs. The haltere
knob dark brown with apical third cream. Spur-vein at base R2+3 present,
meeting r-m cross-vein directly.
- Pictures were taken in Karawatha Forest during early summer. The fly was
resting on plants 0.2-0.3 meter above ground, seems waiting for something.
They were also found resting on rock and on forest floor. They are quite
common in Brisbane bushlands.

- Females are sometimes found resting on vertical mud wall. The mud wall
seems there place for laying eggs.

- The above mating pair photos were taken on March 2008 in Mt Coo-tha. Notice
that the haltere knob dark brown with apical third cream.


- Male
- Reference:
- 1. Cryptic species diversity and character congruence: review of the tribe Anthracini (Diptera : Bombyliidae) in Australia - David K. Yeates and Christine L. Lambkin,
- 2. Thraxan
Bee Fly - lifeunseen.com,
by Nick Monaghan
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