Orb Web Weaver
Scientific Facts
Web building
Orange Orb Weaver
Green Orb Weaver
Black Orb Weaver
Bush Orb Weaver 
Sliver Lobed Spider 1
Sliver Lobed Spider 2
Brown-lobed Spider
Long Lobed Spider
Pan-web Spider


Garden Orb Web Spider's Abdomen Pattern Collection

Eriophora transmarina FAMILY ARANEIDAE

Garden Orb-weavers have their abdominal pattern highly variable. Followings please found my collections. All of the photos are taken from my backyard or near by bushland in Eight Mile Plains. The abdomen sizes are from 10mm to 25mm. We have recorded how they build their webs and how they capture their prey on another pages.

Photo:  Trevor Jinks - Gold Coast
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DSC_0894.jpg (192539 bytes) 

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Last updated: November 07, 2009.