Orb Web Weaver
Scientific Facts
Web building
Orange Orb Weaver
Green Orb Weaver
Black Orb Weaver
Bush Orb Weaver 
Sliver Lobed Spider 1
Sliver Lobed Spider 2
Brown-lobed Spider
Long Lobed Spider
Pan-web Spider


Warp-around Spiders - genus Dolophones 


This page contains pictures and information about Orb Web Spiders (Family Araneidae, formerly Argiopidae) that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

The Warp-around spiders are so called because of their concave abdomen curved in such a way that when the spider rests on a twig, it fits well and wrap around the twig. They are also known as Leopard Spiders because of the series of patterns on their abdomen look like the pattern on a leopard. Warp-around Spiders build vertical orb web at night but it is rarely seen. They cut down the web and recycle the silks before the night is end. They rest on twig during the day. 

Wrap-around Spider 1
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Dolophones conifera, body length 8mm
If this spider rests on a brown twig as it normally does, the spider is very hard to be noticed. This afternoon it (1st picture) made a mistake. It rested on a green leaf and we easily noticed it. We found this species a few times. This spider is more common than the two other two Warp-around Spider species that we found in Brisbane. More information and pictures can be found in this page.
Wrap-around Spider 2
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Dolophones pilosa, body length 8mm
The Warp-around spiders are so called because of their concave abdomen curved in such a way that when the spider rests on a twig, it fits well and wrap around the twig. The spider is brown in colour and rest during the day. They build vertical orb web at night. More information and pictures can be found in this page.
Wrap-around Spider 3
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Dolophones maximus, body length 8mm
Warp-around Spiders build vertical orb web at night. They rest on twig during the day. We found the spider captured a leaf beetle as meal even when it was resting on twig. More information and pictures can be found in this page.

1. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson 1969, p68.

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Last updated: November 05, 2009.