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Family Syrphidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Small Slender Hover
Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 6mm
- This is a small size Slender Hover Fly. It has the black face, black thorax
and black scutellum. Abdomen is pale black with yellow maculae. Antennae and
legs are yellow.
- Pictures were taken in Venman Bushland on May 2010.
- From reference information, their Larvae prey on small insects such as aphids
(Aphididae) and plant lice (Psyllidae).
- For general information about hover fly please check this page.
- Reference:
- 1. Species
Melanostoma apicale Bigot, 1884 - Australian Biological Resources Study, Australian Faunal Directory.
- 2. Genus
Melanostoma - Flower Flies (Syrphidae), LIFEDESK COMMUNITY.
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