Genus Glycaspis
White Lerp Insect
White Fibrous Lerp Insect
Genus Spondyliaspis
Shell Lerp Insect
Genus Hyalinaspis
Clam Lerp Insect
Clam Fibrous Lerp Insect
Brown Clam Lerp Insect
Genus Acizzia
Wattle Plant Lice
Other Psyllids


Aphids - Family Aphididae

This page contains pictures and information about Aphids in Family Aphididae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Winged adults 
Aphids are small to very small in size. They are soft body and usually wingless. There are the winged form adults with very thin membranous wings. Usually their body is in pear-shaped. Most species have a pair of posterior at the abdomen. The antenna are medium length with 5 or 6 segments. 
Like most other bugs, aphids are sap-sucking insects. Unless aphid colonies are allowed to grow into very large size, their feeding activity causes little damage. The real problem is the aphids could carry plants virus which may infected plants.
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Give birth live                                                       Attended by ants                                                  Aphid predator 
Aphids are success because of their high fecundity. They out-number the parasites and predators by high reproductive rate. 
They have complex life cycle and different between species. In general there are many generations per year but they are sexually reproduce (females mate with males and lay eggs) only once annually, usually during autumn season. The fertilized egg is the over-wintering stage. The other generations within the year are all females and they reproduce without mating. Female aphids give birth live young on the same plants and form colonies. Basically aphids are genetically identical in a colony. A female in general produces 100 nymphs in 30 days. Each new born takes about a week to become adult and start reproduction. Nymphs progress through five nymphal instars. They switch to sexually reproduce when the favorites conditions disappear, such as lower temperature, shorter day-light period and/or reduced in host plant quality. 
In most of the time adult aphids are wingless. Sometimes, usually in spring and autumn, winged aphids appear and they move to new plants to start new colony.
Aphid populations are growing rapidly during the spring season. Reproduction is high in spring because they get enough food from the growing plant. After the spring season, predators and parasitoids start to grow and reach a level  to suppress the aphids.

Milkweed Aphid, Oleander Aphid
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Aphis nerii, body length 3mm
There was a site in Macgregor, Brisbane which were a lot of milkweeds. We often visited there to look for Wanderer Butterflies. On those milkweeds, there were usually the yellow aphids. There were not many activates except all the aphids were sucking the juice from the plant. The aphids were bright yellow in colour with black legs. Sometimes we saw lady-beetle hunting among those aphids. More information please click here.    
Cowpea Aphid
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Aphis craccivora, body length 2mm
Sometimes on the hibiscus plants in our backyard, we can find this aphids. They are grayish-black in colour. They seem not doing much harm to our plants although they are the famous pest. We have more information on this page.
Rose Aphid
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Macrosiphum rosae, body length 2mm
This aphids are common in Brisbane Garden. They are brownish-pink in colour. Stay on every new stems and flower buds. More information and pictures please click here.
Black Citrus Aphid
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Toxoptera citricida, body length 2mm
Those aphids are black or dark brown in colour. They development colonies on young growing tips of the citrus trees. They are common in all citrus growing area. The first picture shows an ant attending them for the honeydew that the aphids extracted. Details please check this Black Citrus Aphid page.
Unknown Yellow Aphid
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? sp., Body length 2mm
The aphids suck the plant juice. Within the juice, there are water and sugar more than the aphids' need. They are excreted as honeydew. Those ants are attending the aphids for the honeydew. 

1. Insects of Australia - CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p 453.
2. Family APHIDIDAE - Australian Biological Resources Study, Australian Faunal Directory. 

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Last updated: October 09, 2010.