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Family Syrphidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Small Slender Hover
Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 6mm
- This is a small yellow Hover Fly. Its thorax covered with dense yellow
hairs. Abdomen is orange-yellow in colour with thin dark bands.


- Photos were taken in Karawatha Forest on May 2010.

- Also found them in Wishart Bushland near Bulimba Creek on Aug 2009.


- Reference:
- 1. Genus
Melanostoma - Flower Flies (Syrphidae), LIFEDESK COMMUNITY.
[ Up ] [ Small Slender Hover Fly ] [ Small Yellow Hover Fly ] [ Waisted Slender Hoverfly ] [ White-banded Slender Hover Fly ] [ Grey-banded Hoverfly ] [ Yellow-shouldered Slender Hover Fly ] [ Black-headed Hover Fly ] [ Yellow-shouldered Stout Hover Fly ] [ Orange-banded Slender Hover Fly ]
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