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Family Syrphidae
This page contains pictures and information about Yellow-face Wasp-mimic
Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 8mm
- This is a medium size black Hover Fly. It has the distinctive yellow face.
The antenna are also bright yellow. Thorax and abdomen are black in colour
with white bands on abdomen separated at middle. All legs are black in colour.
Males have eyes separated for this species.

- We found a few of them hovering near the ground at that day. This fly has
very good hovering technique. It can stay still at a single spot in air firmly
for a long time, then suddenly move to another spot very quickly and stay

- Found this black Yellow-face Wasp-mimic Hover Fly in
Carbrook Wetland Oct 2011.
- From reference information their larvae live in fruit.
- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia - CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, Fig39.27B.
- 2. Northern
Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.
- 3. Insects of Australia and New Zealand - R. J. Tillyard, Angus
& Robertson, Ltd, Sydney, 1926, p368.
- 4. Notes on Australian diptera
(XXIV), Key to Australian Eumerus species (Syrphidae) - Paramonov
S.J., 1957, Annals and Magazine of Natural History 12 10: 125-128 [126].
- 5. Species
Eumerus aurifrons (Wiedemann, 1824) - Australian Biological Resources Study, Australian Faunal Directory.
- 6. Revision of Australian Syrphidae (Diptera). Part
II - Ferguson, E.W. 1926, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 51:
517-544 [1926].
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