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Family Bombyliidae
This page contains pictures and information about Thraxan Bee Flies
that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Female and male, body length 10mm
- Male
- This small Bee Fly is black in colour, with short white hairs around the
thorax. Its abdomen is hairy black with white dots on it. Male wings is clear
with dark front margin. Female wings is half clear and half darken near the
wing base.
- Pictures were taken in Karawatha Forest during early summer. The fly was
resting on plants 0.2-0.3 meter above ground, seems waiting for something.
They were also found resting on rock and on forest floor. They are quite
common in Brisbane bushlands.

- Females are sometimes found resting on vertical mud wall. The mud wall
seems there place for laying eggs.

- The above mating pair photos were taken on March 2008 in Mt Coo-tha.
- Thraxan species are very similar to each other and hard to identify
to species level. There may be more than one species in the photos in this
page. They could be either T. depressus, T. simulatus, T. emicatus, T. caligneus, T. caligneus, T. patielus, T. cornuatus, T. hamulus, T. nodus, T. echinatus, T. spiculus, T. misatulus, T. acutus, T. prolatus,
or T. abditus.
- Genus Thraxan is recorded as parasitic upon Sphecidae
and Vespidae. There are the
records of their emerged from the mud cell of Mud-Dauber
Self Mimicry
- On Apr 2009 in Anstead Forest neat the hill top, we found this male Thraxan Bee
Fly and noticed its interesting behaviour. The fly was hovering and resting on
a large smooth bark gum tree trunk. When rested, it face upwards with abdomen
tip raised. With the black and white patterns on abdomen, it looked exactly
like a Tachinid Fly resting on tree trunk facing downwards.
We do not sure what is the advantage of mimicking a Tachinid
Fly resting on tree trunk.

- Besides mimicking a Tachinid Fly, this is also the Self
mimicry (a term for animals that have one body part that mimics another to
increase survival during an attack or helps predators appear innocuous to
allow the prey extra seconds to escape). In this case, the fly's abdomen
mimics its head. Because the patterns are black and white in colour, we may
deduce that its target audience are with colour-blindness.
- Reference:
- 1. Cryptic species diversity and character congruence: review of the tribe Anthracini (Diptera : Bombyliidae) in Australia - David K. Yeates and Christine L. Lambkin,
- 2. Thraxan
Bee Fly - lifeunseen.com,
by Nick Monaghan
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