Praying Mantids
Black Bark Mantid 
Brown Bark Mantid
Brown-legged Bark Mantid 
Spiny Bark Mantid
Garden Praying Mantid
Black Groung Mantid
Tree-running Mantid 
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Large Brown Mantid
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Spiny Bark Mantid - Gyromantis kraussi 

Family Amorphoscelidae

This page contains pictures and information about Spiny Bark Mantids that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Female, body length 25mm
Spiny Bark Mantids have prominent short spines on the head behind eyes and on pronotum. They are hard to find for they are well camouflaged. We found them a few times in different Eucalypt forests around Brisbane. They were always found on large tree trunk, include smooth bark, ironbark, stringy bark, paperbark and even burnt tree trunk.
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There are two known species in genus Gyromantis, the G. kraussi and G. occidentalis. The later only found in north of Western Australia.
Their body colours camouflage very well on those tree trunk. They are pale brown in colours with dark brown patterns. Their legs are banded.  


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Male body length 20mm 
Late summer in Alexandra Hill on a large gum tree trunk. we found this silvery-grey Bark Mantid. This mantid has large developing wing buds. 
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This mantid has pinkly-red patches on inter forelegs.
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Another Spiny Bark Mantid found in Karawatha Forest. This one has smaller wing bud but larger abdomen. We believed it is a female.
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They were usually found standing still on tree trunk.  
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Female Adults

As most insect species, we met much more female than male Spiny Bark Mantids.
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Hunting on gum tree trunk, this mantid was slow moving, even when disturbed.
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This female adult had the fully developed wings, although too small for her to fly. In Bark Mantids family Amorphoscelidae only males can fly.
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Female lay eggs in oothecae, which is long and narrow and is attached on tree trunks.
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Male Adults

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Body length 30mm
Adult males are fully winged. They are even harder to find. We found the male only once in Karawatha Forest. It was hunting on a large smooth bark gum tree trunk. It was late summer Feb 2008.

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 353.
2. Gyromantis - Tree of Life Project, 2005
3. Gyromantis Giglio-Tos, 1913 - Australian Biological Resources Study. 
4. Grasshopper country: the abundant orthopteroid insects of Australia - David C. Rentz - 1996, p234, 240.  

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Last updated: April 30, 2010.