Imperial Blue


Zebra Blue - Leptotes plinius


This page contains information and pictures about Zebra Blue Butterflies in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. They are also known as Plumbago Blues.

Male and female, wingspan 25mm
This small butterfly is blue in colour in the top with zebra pattern on the bottom. They are common in Brisbane. Wherever there is the White Leadwort, there are the Zebra Blue Butterflies. The flatten caterpillars are either brown or green in colour. They pupa in curled leaf.
Both male and female underneath are patterns of white bands on brown colour, and an arc of black spots around the margin of each hind wing. There are two eyespots on each hind wings, the first eyespot is with a small tail.
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The top side of male butterflies are purple in colour with brown wing edges. The females are brown with a patchy white pattern. 
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The patterns underneath are different from individuals. 
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Eggs are laid singly on flower buds of food plants. They are are white and flattened. 
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Their caterpillars feed on the buds and flowers of White Leadwort, Plumbago zeylanica. The Caterpillars are sometimes attended by ants. They are brown or green in colour with black head, colour and pattern look similar to the flower buds.
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The Caterpillar Foot Plant

White Leadwort
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Plumbago zeylanica, family Plumbaginaceae
Zebra Blue Butterflies are also called Plumbago Blue as their caterpillars feed on the buds and flowers of White Leadwort, Plumbago zeylanica. White Leadwort is a common garden plants in Brisbane. The flowers are pale blue to white in colour. Wherever there is the White Leadwort, there are the Zebra Blue Butterflies. The butterflies can be seen around the plants all over the year. 
White Desert Plumbago  
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In Brisbane Botanic Garden, there were the White Desert Plumbago Plumbago scandens. We found there were a lot of Zebra Blue Butterflies too.
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The Caterpillar

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Length 10mm 
The flatten caterpillars are either brown or green in colour. They are hardly be notice for their well camouflaged body colours. They are seldom attended by ants. They pupate in curled leaf. 

1. Leptotes plinius - Australian Caterpillars, Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2005.
2. Create More Butterflies -  by Frank Jordan and Helen Schwencke, Earthling Enterprises, 2005, p35. 
3. White Desert Plumbago - Moody Demonstration Garden by D. Post 12 Aug 2004.
4. The Complete Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia - Michael F Braby, Australian National University, CSIRO 2004, p288.

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Last updated: July 20, 2010.