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- This page contains information and pictures about Long-tailed Pea-blue
Butterflies in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Wingspan 30mmm
- The Long-tailed Pea-blue has a broad white band on the hind wing
underside. The butterflies have a rapid jerky flight. They can be seen near
host plants. While at rest, they have a habit of rubbing their hindwings
- Above photo is a medium size Blue butterfly. There are many blue butterfly
species with plain blue on top side of wings. Without the patterns on the
bottom side, it it hard to tell which species it is. From
the top view and its antenna colour, it look like the Long-tailed
- On Mar 2012, in Buhot Creek Circuit near the quarry, we found quit a
number of them flying around.
Host Plants
- Caterpillars feed on flowers and flower buds of native and introduced
legumes in the Fabaceae, include the Wallum Wedge Pea.
- Wallum Wedge Pea
- Gompholobium virgatum
- Reference:
- 1. Lampides
boeticus - Australian Caterpillars, Don
Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2005.
- 2. The Complete
Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia - Michael F Braby,
Australian National University, CSIRO 2004, p294.
- 3. Wild
Plants of Greater Brisbane - Queensland Museum, 2003, p75.
[ Up ] [ Small Green Banded Blue ] [ Whitebanded Line-blue ] [ Short-tailed Line-blue ] [ Purple Line Blue ] [ Speckled Line Blue ] [ Cycad Blue ] [ Wattle Blue ] [ Zebra Blue ] [ Long-tailed Pea-blue ] [ Common Grass Blue ]
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