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This page contains information and pictures about
Imperial Blue Butterflies in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. The
butterfly also known as Imperial Hairstreak.
- Wingspan 40mm
- The Imperial Blue butterflies are brownish blue on the top side and
pale yellow with black lines on the underside. There are long curled tails on
each hind wing. Females lay eggs on different kinds of wattles. They are
locally common in Brisbane eucalypt forests, seldom seen far away from host
- The top view of the open-winged butterfly look like the face of a cat,
hold prey with its bloody mouth. This pattern will scare most of the birds -
the butterfly's predator. About this point, we have detail discussions
in this page.
- Males and females looked very similar, quite hard to distinguish on

Males cluster around pupae
- Males cluster around pupae waiting for the emerge of females.
- During a sunny summer day, the male butterflies are found flying around
the host plants, waiting to mate with females.

Eggs, Caterpillars and Pupa
- The eggs of this butterfly are white to pale green in colours.
The eggs are laid in rows on the stems of food plant. Female will lay eggs on
different type of wattle, however, she will only choose the wattle with the
right type of ants colony.
- The caterpillars are quite common on Wattle Acacia
leaves. They can easily be found during summer on the day time feeding on the
leaves. The caterpillars and pupae are always attended by
- Caterpillar 40mm The caterpillar about to turn into a
- The caterpillars secrete a substance which the ants like. It is believed that the
ants will provide protection from predators and parasitism as return. This is
why the caterpillars can feed freely during the day time. The caterpillars
usually pupate in group on a communal web spun among twigs.
Imperial Blue caterpillars feed openly during the days.
Caterpillars pupate together in group on web of silk that they build
between branches and leaves of host plants.
Imperial Blue at Home
- We striped the ants away and collected two caterpillars, raised them in a jar with some fresh Wattle leaves.
Without the ants protection in the wild, scientists had shown that the caterpillar
will subject to parasite or predation within days.

- A few days later, the two caterpillars turned into pupa. The two
caterpillars pupated close to each others. The Pupa are dark brown in colour.
- We know that for some other blue butterfly species, the caterpillars hind during the day and rely on the ants to guide them to the food plants. This Imperial Blue caterpillar seemed living fine without those
ants About a week later, the Imperial Blue butterflies came out from
the pupa.
Their caterpillars and pupa are always found attended by ants. In return
for protection from predators and parasites, the caterpillars provide
secretions that the ants find nutritious. Caterpillars feed on many types
of Acacia as host plants. However, females will only lay eggs on
host plants that have the right species of Ants.
Some reference books suggested that the ants come for the honey dew
produced by the special secretary organs on their body.
However, we
noticed that the ants also attended the pupa, which were not likely to produce
any honey dew. The Caterpillars always attended by the ants Iridomyrmex
sp. from the subfamily DOLICHODERINAE
and not by other species of ants. We suspected that the caterpillar and pupa
may exploit and take the advantage the chemical signals of those ants. The
caterpillar and pupa may secrete the chemical so that the ants think they are
their 'Queen' or 'sisters'. This is just a speculation that need more observations
to confirm.
- Caterpillars feed on many types of Acacia as host plants. However,
females will only lay eggs on host plants that have the right species of
Ants. The wattle trees selected are usually medium size young trees, about
two meters high, which are in group within a small area. The wattles are
those common species include Acacia leiocalyx, A. harpopylla, A.
irrorata, A. melanoxylon, A. mearnsii.
Without the ants protection in the wild, scientists had shown that the caterpillar
will subject to parasite or predation within days.
- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p 899.
- 2. Insects of Australia and New Zealand - R. J. Tillyard, Angus
& Robertson, Ltd, Sydney, 1926, p465.
- 3. Create
More Butterflies - by Frank Jordan and Helen Schwencke,
Earthling Enterprises, 2005, p22.
- 4. Jalmenus evagoras
- Australian Caterpillars, Don Herbison-Evans & Stella
Crossley, 2009.
- 5. Flying Colours, Common Caterpillars, Butterflies and Moths of
South-Eastern Australia - Pat & Mike Coupar,1992, p99.
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