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This page contains pictures and information about Neon Cuckoo Bees that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 15mm
- The Neon Cuckoo Bee are cleptoparasitic in the nest of Amegilla
sp.. Neon Cuckoo Bee female does not make its own nest. It lays egg in the
nest of Blue-banded bee. Female places an egg in a partially completed brood
cell. After the blue-banded bee finishes provision and seals the brood cell,
the cuckoo bee egg hatches into larvae and feeds on the provisions stored by
Blue-banded bee.

- Photo thanks to Kylie
Photo thanks to Kylie
- Above pictures show three Blue-banded Bees and one Cuckoo Bee.
rest on grass stem in small group, as shown in the above picture. They
hold themselves on stem by their jaws.

- On Feb 2011 we found this bee visiting flowers during late afternoon.


- Reference:
- 1. Native
Bees of the Sydney region, a field guide - Anne Dollin, Michael Batley,
Martyn Robinson & Brian Faulkner, Australian Native Bee Research Centre.
- 2. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, Fig.42.45H.
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