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Family Noctuidae
This page contains pictures and information about Double White Banded Noctuid
Moths that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Wingspan 70mm, Dec 2007 Karawatha Forest
- This moth is brown in colour with bright red abdomen. There are the eyespot
marks on both forewings. There are two white strips across the forewings and
hind wings.
- We first saw this moth in my friend's house. The moth was hiding on the ceiling of
during the
- There is no information about the caterpillar of this moth.
- Nov 2007, Karawatha Forest, near the dry creek bed.
- It seems that the moth prefers to rest in the wet area of the Eucalypt
forest at the base of a large tree trunk. Sometimes a few of them were found
on one tree trunk.
- Jen 2008, Sunnybank near Bulimba Creek.
- Mar 2008, Mt Coot-tha.
- We found this moth a few times hiding on large tree trunk near the forest floor during
the day. The moth did not move a bit even we came very close. It flied a few
meters away when we touched it with a stick.
- Reference:
- 1. Moths of
Australia - Ian F.B.Common, Melbourne University Press, 1990, p454,
plate 21.15.
- 2. Donuca rubropicta (Butler, 1874)
- Australian Caterpillars, by Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2007.
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