Discolor Noctuid Moth
Black Triangle Moths
White-striped Noctuid
4-Triangled Noctuid
Triangular-striped Moth
Bird-dropping Moth 
Green Blotched Moth
Cluster Caterpillar
Lawn Armyworm
Lily Caterpillar
Affinis Dayflying Moth
Crow Moth  
Joseph's Coat Moth  


Owl Moths - Subfamily CATOCALINAE

Family Noctuidae

This page contains pictures and information about Owl Moths that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
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Caterpillar in subfamily Catocalinae 
The caterpillars in this subfamily Catocalinae are usually smooth, lack of hairs, long and slender. Some of them have prolegs of segments 3, or 3 and 4 missing and known as semi-looper, move in looping action. They pupate in a rather scant silk cocoon. 
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Cocoon of Catocalinae                                         Covered colour hind wings                                    Eyes pattern on wings 
Moths in this subfamily Catocalinae are usually medium to large in size. Most of them have robust body and broad wings. Some of the them have brightly coloured hind wings which are normally covered. Some other have eye-shaped patterns on their wings.
This subfamily Catocalinae is a very large group. Some classify this group as family Catocalidae.    

Tricolour Noctuid Moth
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Oxyodes tricolor, wingspan 30mm
This moth was hiding under the plants materials on the forest floor during the day. There are the white dots, resemble eye-spots pattern on their front wings. The pattern is different among individuals. Some are even have the white line across their wings. The hidden hind wings are half orange-yellow and half black, normally covered by forewings. Click here for more pictures and information.
Cotton Looper Moth
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Anomis flava, body length 20mm
This moth can be found in summer in our backyard on the Hibiscus plants. The moth is golden yellow in colour with brown pattern. The caterpillar is green with white bands between segments. The caterpillar move in looper style, although it is not in GEOMETRIDAE family. Please click on here for more information.
Granny's Cloak Moth
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Speiredonia spectans, wingspan 70mm
On Nov 2007, we took this photo inside a building's toilet. This moth is brown in colour with eyespots on front and hind wings. This moth is common found inside buildings such as garages or sheds. We received email a few times asking what is this moth inside their house. Their caterpillars feed on Wattle. 
Brown Noctuid Moth
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Ericeia sobria, wingspan 40mm
We found those dark brown moths and light brown moths with the slightly different patterns in our backyard, 2002. Check this page for more information.
Common Brown Noctuid Moth
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Diatenes aglossoides, wingspan 40mm
The Moths is dark brown with complex pattern wings. We found it rested on the wall outside our house from time to time. Caterpillar feeds on Acacia, pupates on hole or under loose bark of host tree. Check this page for more information.
Poinciana Looper Moth
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Pericyma cruegeri, wingspan 40mm
The moth is brown in colour, with complex pattern of lines and patches. The moth is attracted to window light. We took the above pictures on the wall and fence outside our house. Caterpillar is a semi-looper and pale green in colour, feeds on Poinciana (Delonix regia). Please check this page for more information.

Sugarcane Looper Moth
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Mocis frugalis, wingspan 40mm
When we walked across the Eucalyptus forests in Brisbane, we often saw many of this moths. They hide among the grasses on the forest floor. When disturbed, they flied to a meter away, and hind again in the grasses. Their caterpillars are pale green or brown in colour, feed on various grasses and Sugarcane. Check this page for more infromation.
Triple-banded Moth
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Mocis trifasciata, caterpillar length 50mm, adult wingspan 40mm 
The moth is is brown in colour with three darker bands across each forewing. It is quite common in Brisbane. It is usually hiding on short grasses during the day, flies to a meter away when disturbed. For more information please click on here.

Discolor Noctuid Moth
Avatha discolor, Catocalinae, wingspan 25mm 
This moth is brown in colour with dark brown patterns. The patterns vary between individuals. The caterpillar is thin and like to rest along the edge of leaves. Please also check this page.

Black Triangle Moths

We noticed in the subfamily Catocalinae there is a group of moths which are dark brown to black in colours with white strips on wings. When rest, they all hold their forewings in equilateral triangle shape. Those colours and shape make them do not look like a moth. We believed those Black Triangle Moths mimicking each others and form a Mullerian mimicry complex.
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We found six different species in this complex. Check this page for more information. 

Achaea Caterpillar
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Achaea sp, caterpillar length 70mm, adult wingspan 70mm
The caterpillar was found resting along a stem, where the caterpillar camouflaged as part of the stem. When we came closer to take photos, it dropped onto the ground. We found it hiding among the plant materials and brought it home. We took along with some leaves which it was feeding on. More information please click here.
Croton  Caterpillar
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Achaea janata, length 60mm
We found this caterpillars on May 2008, near Buhot Creek, Stringybark Trail. There were quite a number of caterpillars actively feeding the host plants during the day. We did not found the moth yet. Please also check this page.

Guava Moth
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Ophiusa disjungens, caterpillar length 60mm, adult wingspan 50mm
The Guava Moth is brown to purple in colour, with a black kidney-shaped spot near the centre of each forewing. When it opens the wings, we can see the bright yellow hind wings. Each hind wing has a large black spots near the wing tip. The caterpillars feed on Gum tree and Guava leaves, consider as pest on Guava. More pictures and information can be found in this page
Parcemacula Moth
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Ophiusa parcemacula, wingspan 50mm
Jan 2008, Karawatha Forest, She-oak Area, the moth was resting on the forest floor. Please also check this page.

Genus Donuca - White Banded Moths

The moths in this genus are large in size. As their common name implied, most of them have the white band across wings. They also have a large eye spot on each forewing. The bright orange coloured abdomen is covered by wings when rest, only be seen during flight. Not much is known about their caterpillars. 
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We found four species in this genus. Check this page for more details. 

Erebus Moth
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Erebus terminitincta, wingspan 100mm
We saw this moth once during late summer in Yugarapul Park, while we were looking for dragonflies on Bulimba Creek. The moth was hiding at the overhanging bank of the creek. The moth  flied with a slow and fluttering pattern. Click here for more information and pictures.

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p912.  
2. Moths of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press, 1990, p448.
3. CATOCALINAE in Australia - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2007. 


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Last updated: June 06, 2009.