Crane Flies and Mosquitoes

DCX Crane Fly
Crystal-wing Crane Fly
Tiger Crane Fly
Genus Leptotarsus   
Yellow Fat Crane Fly
Orange Fat Crane Fly
Common Brown Crane Fly
Common Yellow Crane Fly
Dull-yellow Crane Fly
Long-black-nosed Crane Fly
Black Crane Fly
Dotted-wing Crane Fly
Spider Web Crane Fly 
Salt Marsh Mosquito
Predatory Mosquito
Yellow Midge 
Green Midge
Grey Midge 
March Flies 

Unknown Flies

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Non-biting Midges - Family Chironomidae

Order Diptera  

This page contains pictures and information about Non-biting Midges in family Chironomidae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Midges in family Chironomidae are small and delicate mosquito-like fly. They are usually yellow, green or black in colours. Males are usually with antennae strongly plumose. We recognized them by their wing veins pattern. 
Those midges may look like mosquitoes but lack the wing scales and elongate mouthparts. Midges in family Chironomidae do not bite. 
Midges are common in wet area. They may form swarms in large group. Their larvae are aquatic or semi-aquatic, feed on plants and decaying materials.  

Yellow Midge
PWC_3185.jpg (89432 bytes) PWC_3189.jpg (89511 bytes) DSC_6982.jpg (217604 bytes)
Chironomus sp., body length 10mm
his Yellow Midge has the yellow head and thorax with green abdomen. The fore legs are very long. They are commonly in Brisbane gardens. They usually found resting on leaves. Please check this page for more information.
Green Midge
DSC_0245f.jpg (141017 bytes) DSC_0245.jpg (168642 bytes) DSC_0245w.jpg (131466 bytes) 
Chironomus sp., body length 6mm 
Pictures were taken in Brisbane Botanic Garden on Oct 2009. Please check this page for more information. 
Grey Midge
DSC_0278.jpg (191888 bytes) DSC_0280.jpg (178153 bytes) PC9_1513.jpg (158764 bytes)
Chironomus cloacalis, body length 8mm  
This Grey Midge has the grey head and thorax with dark grey abdomen. The fore legs are very long. They are commonly in Brisbane bushlands. They usually found resting on leaves. Please check this page for more information.
Black Midge
DSCN2284.jpg (194635 bytes) DSCN2285.jpg (148999 bytes)
? sp., body length 10mm 
1. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009. 

1. Wildlife of Tropical North Queensland - Queensland Museum Publications 2000, p104.
2. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009. 
3. Insects of Australia - CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p744.
4. Family CHIRONOMIDAE - Australian Biological Resources Study, Australian Faunal Directory. 

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Last updated: April 04, 2013.