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- This page contains information and pictures about Variable Ladybird Beetles
that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 5mm
- The ladybirds are bright orange-yellow in
colour with a broken line of two black dot on each wing-covers. There is a
black line at the meeting edges of the wing-covers. The reference
suggested that they are the Variable Ladybirds.

- However, the Variable Ladybirds and this
ladybird looked quite different.

- We do not agree this bend-patterned ladybird is a Variable Ladybird.......... until
we saw the mating couple.
- However we believed it may not be us that made the mistake. It may be the male ladybird
who made the mistake.

- Anyway, we found ladybirds with this pattern from time to time and the
pattern is quite consistence. There may be some reasons behind and worth

- Reference:
- 1. Australian Ladybird Beetles
(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Their biology and
classification - A.Ślipiński, Australian Biological Resources,
2007, Fig14.
- 2. Micraspis
sp. - Insects of Townsville, Australia - Graeme Cocks, 2004.
[ Up ] [ Transverse Ladybird ] [ Variable Ladybird 1 ] [ Variable Ladybird 2 ] [ Variable Ladybird 3 ] [ Common Spotted Ladybird ] [ Three-banded Ladybird ] [ Netty Ladybird ] [ Striped Ladybird ] [ Fungus-eating Ladybird ] [ Spotted Amber Ladybird ]
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