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Family Blaberidae
This page contains pictures and information about the Australian Wood Cockroaches that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 40mm
- This cockroach has dark brown to black colours body and short spiny legs. They can be
found under moist fallen rotten logs. They live in and feed on decaying wood that
they burrow into. They are slow moving. Notice their shiny exoskeleton and spiny legs.
The adults are winged but they chew each
other's wings off and become wingless.

- They are easily found in moist area in Eucalyptus forests in Brisbane,
including the Karawatha Forest and Daisy Hills. Every time we lifted up a rotten
log on ground. We always saw a group of cockroaches, usually from five to

- After taking a few pictures and having a good look, we always put the logs
back into position to minimize the interrupt to those cockroaches.

- We found the above large Wood Cockroach in Ford Road Conservation Area on Mar 2011. The cockroach was
hiding under bark near the base of a large gum tree trunk.

- The abundant wood-eating wood cockroaches are very important in the breakdown of logs in the wet
forests. Unlike the other wood feeding cockroaches which have the intestinal
protozoa to digest wood cellulose, the Wood Cockroaches utilise amoebae and bacteria to digest the cellulose they eat.

- This nymph, body length 5mm, was doing the 'play
dead' trick to cheat predators. It slowly turned over and merged into
the dirt after a minute.
- In the above 1st and 2nd photos, notice the very small young cockroaches
around and on the adult cockroaches. Photos were taken on May 2011 in Ford
Road Conservation Area.

- Australian Wood Cockroaches are in sub family Panesthiinae As all
cockroaches in the subfamily, nymphs born alive.
Nymphs are golden brown to dark brown in colours.
- Australian Wood Cockroaches live in
group. Those cockroaches have some communal organization and they are usually found in
groups under rotten logs. Chemical cues appear to play an important role in the association
preferences. They seem able to use the chemical cues distinguish between different groups.
- Before we thought this species was the Panesthia australis. After
checking the reference materials we believed this is the Panesthia cribrata.
Both species have the same common name Australian Wood Cockroaches. Both
species are widely spread in the east coast of Australia. The P.cribrata is
more common in Queensland.
- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p329 (synonym Panesthia laevicollis).
- 2. Grasshopper
Country - the Abundant Orthopteroid Insects of Australia, D Rentz,
UNSW Press, 1996, p228, plate362.
- 3. Family BLABERIDAE -
A.M.E. Roach & D.C.F. Rentz, CSIRO Entomology, Australian Faunal Directory, Australian Biological Resources Study.
- 4. Chemical cues and group association preferences in a subsocial cockroach,
Panesthia australis - Billingham, Z.D., Chapple, D.G., Sunnucks, P., and Wong, B.B.M. (2010), Australian Journal of Zoology 57, 385–390.
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