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Family Blaberidae
This page contains pictures and information about the Surinam Cockroaches that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 25mm
- We sometimes find this dark brown cockroach wandering on grass during day
time and night time. They are active at night. They are uniformly mahogany brown to
dark brown without any pattern. They could be abundant outdoors in tree holes
and wood logs. They prefers moist, dark and warm area.

- Surinam Cockroach is the only cockroach known to reproduce parthenogentically,
i.e., females produce females without the males.
- If we check under rocks in the garden where the adults are found then the
nymphs are usually there as well, particularly if we rake thru' the soil and
look for shiny shapes.
- The nymphs are burrowers and are shiny black with the last few abdominal
segments matt. They also have almost hidden cerci.
- This is an introduced species.
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