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- This page contains pictures and information about Toad Bugs in family Gelastocoridae
that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Toad Bug - Nerthra alaticollis

- Body
length 10mm
- Toad bugs have the
widen femur of front legs which make it a good swimmer. Toad bugs are
predacious. They hop but cannot fly.

- We found this Toad bug when we taking dragonfly
photos in Karawatha Forest at the edge of a lagoon on Feb 2008. The bug
was just coming up from the muddy water and walking onshore.

- We found this Toad Bug nymph on a dry creek bed on 2010. It was in
Parkinson Parklands.
- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 488.
- 2. True Bugs - family Gelastocoridae -
(? Mononyx femoralis) lifeunseen.com, Insects and Spiders of Sunshine
Coast, by Nick Monaghan.
- 3. Gelastocoridae
- Australian Freshwater Invertebrates, Murray Darling Freshwater Research
Centre, 2008
- 4. THE GELASTOCORIDAE OF AUSTRALIA (Hemiptera) - By E. L. Todd, 1960
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