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Order Hemiptera,
Suborder Heteroptera
- This page contains pictures and information about Coreid Bugs in Superfamily COREOIDEA
that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Clown Bugs - the gum tree tip wilter, male and female
- Most coreid bugs have a series of longitudinal parallel veins in the membrane
of the fore wings and have ocelli, which distinguish them from lygaeids
Coreid Bug Classification :
Family Coreidae - Tip
Wilter, Leaf Footed Bugs, Squash Bugs
- Quite a number of bugs in this family can easily be found in Brisbane.
They look similar and some are hard to be identified. They are mostly from
10 to 25mm in body length. Their forewings have many veins and their heads are narrower and most often shorter than pronotum. Their antennae are four segmented.
- Alydids have large broad triangular head, nearly as wide as the thorax.
Their bodies are relatively slender. They have long antenna and long legs. Some of them feed on fallen pods from
Acacia trees and pods of other trees. Some species their nymph mimic ants.
- We only found one species in this family. The bug has bright red eyes
and red abdomen. Its thorax and front wing covers are reddish-brown in
colour. Its legs and antenna are black in colour. The last instars looks
similar to the adult bugs except their wings are not fully developed.
Coreid Bugs Field Guide :
- Followings are the thumb-nail photos of different stages of Coreid Bugs
that we found. We listed them here for easily reference. Please click on
each photo to access the detail page.
- For the following coreid bugs, we found the adult only.

- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 479.
- 2. Plant Bugs - Dr Murray Fletcher, PRIMEFACT 508, NSW DPI, May 2007.
- 3. 半翅目 Order Hemiptera(True Bugs)
- 六足王國─台灣的昆蟲 Insects of Taiwan, 2008.
- 4. Superfamily COREOIDEA - Australian Faunal Directory, Australian Biological Resources Study.
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