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This page contains pictures and information about Yellow Flank Black Braconid Wasps that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Female, body length 15mm
- This species look very similar to the Callibracon capitator
species. We distinguished them
by the very long ovipositor and the orange-coloured antenna base segment of this species.


- Please check the Braconid Wasps main page for
more general information on this wasp.
- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 948.
- 2. Braconine wasps of Australia - Quicke, D.L.J., Ingram, S.M. (1993), Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 33 (1): 299-336.
- 3. The hymenopterous parasitoids of eucalypt longicorn beetles, Phoracantha
spp. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Australia - A. D. Austin, D. L. J. Quicke and P. M. Marsh (1994). . Bulletin of Entomological Research,84, pp 145-174.
- 4. Callibracon limbatus
- Digital Insect of Taiwan Agriculture Research Institute, Taiwan Agriculture Research
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