Brown Braconid Wasp
Dull Black Braconid Wasp


Subfamily Braconinae - Orange Braconid Wasps

Order Hymenoptera, Family Braconidae 

This page contains pictures and information about Braconid Wasps in subfamily Orange Braconinae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Braconinae is a large subfamily of parasitic wasps in Braconidae. Braconid wasps in this subfamily are often black, red, orange and/or white in colours. Their wings are often dark or yellow-banded. They are from small to medium size. Females have the extended ovipositor. Their larvae are mostly external parasitic on moth caterpillars or beetle larvae. Several species are known to parasitise concealed fly and sawfly larvae. 
Braconid Wasps in subfamily Braconinae can be distinguished with the followings characteristic;
- usually black, red, orange and white in colours with dark or yellow-banded wings, female with extended ovipositor, 
- antenna cylindrical, not wider than thick, 
- occipital carina absent, 
- pronotum distinctly developed anteriorly,
- palpi distinctly developed and easily visible,
- vein 3-M of fore wing often largely sclerotized, 
- vein 2m-cu of fore wing absent, 
- vein 2-CU of hind wing usually absent, 
- hind basitarsus shorter than combined length of following segments,
- vein m-cu of hind wing absent or straight when present.

Genus lphiaulax - Band-winged Braconid Wasps

The genus lphiaulax comprise medium to large size Braconid Wasps. They are bright coloured insects with smooth hairless head and body. Most of them are idiobiont ectoparasitoids of Longicorn Beetle larvae. Some other parasitise Moth caterpillars.
lphiaulax species can be distinguished with the followings characteristic;
- forewing vein 3-SR more than twice length of r-m; posterior margins of metasomal tergites 3-5
- Ovipositor without a pre-apical dorsal notch or nodus
- Ovipositor less than 1.4 times length of forewing 
- forewing vein 2-1A not strongly curved or angled 
- Scapus at least as long or longer ventrally than dorsally in lateral aspect when directed anteriorly, often cylindrical and large  
Black Tip Band-winged Braconid Wasp
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lphiaulax danielsi, body length 15mm
This wasp is orange in colour with black head and black antenna. Its legs are orange. Its wings are also tinted with orange with black bands. This Braconid Wasp looks very similar to the wasp above except the abdomen tip of this wasp is black in colour. Please check this page for more information. 

Genus Chaoilta - Jewel Beetle Parasitoids

The genus Chaoilta comprise medium to large size Braconid Wasps. They are believed the parasitises of Jewel Beetle larvae which live under bark. 
Chaoilta species can be distinguished with the followings characteristic;
- Scapus angularly narrowed basally,
- Face with or without medial horn-like projection,
- head and body with short hairs, eyes smooth and hairless,  
Yellow Flank Braconid Wasp
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Chaoilta hollowayi, body length 15mm, female 
The wasp had the black body, with yellow flank and yellow-banded abdomen. It wings were tinted with half orange and half dark brown, Its head was orange in colour, with black antenna. All its legs were black. More pictures and information can be found in this page.

Genus Callibracon - Longicorn Parasitoids

The genus Callibracon comprise medium to large size Braconid Wasps. From reference information wasps in this genus associate with wood boring Coleopterous include Cerambycid and Elaterid hosts.
- Abdomen moderately elongate and largely smooth and shiny,
- pronotum convex, 
- Ovipositor with a pre-apical dorsal notch.
- Ovipositor less than 1.4 times length of forewing
- forewing vein 2-1A not strongly curved or angled, 1-SR+M distinctly curved,  
- Scapus at least as long or longer ventrally than dorsally in lateral aspect when directed anteriorly, often cylindrical and large,
- occipital carina absent, 
White Flank Black Braconid Wasp I
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Callibracon capitator, body length 15mm, male, female  
We found this wasp once in Alexandra Hill on July 2007. The larvae of this wasp is known to parasite on Longicorn Beetle. Please also visit this page for more pictures on this species.
White Flank Black Braconid Wasp II
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Callibracon limbatus, body length 15mm, female  
This species look very similar to the above species. We distinguished them by the very long ovipositor and the orange-coloured antenna base segment of this species. Please check this page for more information.
White Flank Orange Braconid Wasp I
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? Callibracon sp., body length 15mm, male, female 
We saw this wasp a few times in Karawatha Forest. The wasp has the orange head and thorax, black abdomen with white patterns. Its wings are tinted in black colour. Please visit this page.
White Flank Orange Braconid Wasp II
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? Callibracon sp., body length 15mm, female
Please check this page for more information.  

Genus Campyloneurus - Stout Braconid Wasps

The genus Campyloneurus comprise medium size Braconid Wasps. From reference information wasps in this genus associate with Cerambycid larvae as hosts.
- Metasoma short, robust and strongly sculptured,
- Ovipositor with a pre-apical dorsal notch.
- Ovipositor less than 1.4 times length of forewing
- forewing vein 2-1A not strongly curved or angled 
- Scapus at least as long or longer ventrally than dorsally in lateral aspect when directed anteriorly, often cylindrical and large 
Orange Stout Braconid Wasp
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Campyloneurus sp., body length 10mm, male 
This wasp has the abdomen shorter than the thorax. Please check this page for more information.
Black Head Stout Braconid Wasp
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Campyloneurus sp., body length 15mm, female
Confusing isn't it? This wasp looks the same as the wasps above except its head is black in colour and with shorter ovipositor. It was also found in Karawatha Forest on Nov 2007. This wasp seems like to rest on stem as we always found them there. Please click on here for more information about this wasp.

Genus Pycnobraconoides - Leaf Beetle Parasitoids

White Flank Black Head Braconid Wasp
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Pycnobraconoides sp., body length 15mm, male, female
Picture taken in Yugarapul Park on Nov 2008. This wasp seems like to rest on stem as we always found them there. Also found this wasp in Carbrook Wetland. Please check this page for more information. 

Genus Bracon 

Braconid Wasp
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Bracon sp., body length 10mm 

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p948.
2. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009,
3. Wasps - family Braconidae -, by Nick Monaghan.
4. Family BRACONIDAE - Australian Faunal Directory, Australian Biological Resources Study. 
5. What wasp is that? - An interactive identification guide to the Australasian families of Hymenoptera, 2007. 
6. Insects of Australia and New Zealand - R. J. Tillyard, Angus & Robertson, Ltd, Sydney, 1926, p269. 
7. Digital Insect of Taiwan Agriculture Research Institute - Taiwan Agriculture Research Institute. 
8. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 948, plate 6 ZB.
9. A revision of the Australian species of Iphiaulax Foerster and Chaoilta Cameron (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Braconidae) - Quicke, D. L. J., 1991. Records of the Australian Museum 43(1): 63–84. [22 March 1991].
10. Braconine wasps of Australia - Quicke, D.L.J., Ingram, S.M. (1993), Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 33 (1): 299-336.

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Last updated: January 20, 2013.