Brown Braconid Wasp
Dull Black Braconid Wasp


White Flank Orange Braconid wasp I - ? Callibracon sp.


This page contains pictures and information about Yellow Flank Orange Braconid Wasps that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 15mm                         
We saw this wasp a few times in Karawatha Forest. The wasp has the orange head and thorax, black abdomen with white patterns. Its wings are tinted in black colour.
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This wasp is quite common in Eucalypt forest in Brisbane.
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We believed this wasp is in genus Callibracon. The genus Callibracon comprise medium to large size Braconid Wasps. From reference information wasps in this genus associate with wood boring Coleopterous include Cerambycid and Elaterid hosts.
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We often found this wasp searching on large gum tree trunk. The larvae of this wasp is known to parasite on Longicorn Beetle.  
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Please check the Braconid Wasps main page for more general information on this wasp.
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The wasp was inserting the ovipositor into  bark. 
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Ovipositor with a pre-apical dorsal notch.
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1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 948. 
2. Braconine wasps of Australia - Quicke, D.L.J., Ingram, S.M. (1993), Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 33 (1): 299-336.
3. The hymenopterous parasitoids of eucalypt longicorn beetles, Phoracantha spp. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Australia - A. D. Austin, D. L. J. Quicke and P. M. Marsh (1994). . Bulletin of Entomological Research,84, pp 145-174.

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Last updated: September 06, 2012.