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- Beetles in this family are elongated form, with acute hind angles on
prothorax and a clicking mechanism enabling them to jump by sudden movement
of prothorax and hind body.
- Click Beetle

- ? Agrypnus sp., body length 25mm
- The Click Beetle was found resting on a small Dogwood tree in Karawatha
forest during mid summer.
- Dogwood

- Jacksonia scoparia, family Fabaceae
- Click Beetle

- ? sp. body length 10mm
- Pictures were taken in Karawatha Forest Dentata Track on Oct 2007. The
beetle was found on a gum tree trunk. It dropped onto the ground after we
took some photos.
- Click Beetle

- ? Paracalais sp., body length 20mm

- Found this beetle once in Carbrook Wetland on Nov 2009.
- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p 637.
- 2. A guide to the Genera of Beetles of South Australia Part.4 -
Matthews, E.G. 1985, p 6.
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