
False Click Beetles
Brown Click Beetle
Mottled Predatory Click Beetle
Lycid-mimicking Click Beetle
Arrowhead Click Beetle
Small Black Click Beetle I
Small Black Click Beetle II
Small Black Click Beetle III 
Long-nose Lycid Beetle
Red Shoulder Lycid Beetle
Large Eyes Lycid Beetle
Small Bi-colour Beetle I
Small Bi-colour Beetle II 
Plague Soldier Beetle
Tricolor Soldier Beetle
Yellow Soldier Beetle
Red-tipped Soldier Beetle
Goldenbrown Soldier Beetle
Small Brown Soldier Beetle I 
Small Brown Solder Beetle II 

Unknown Beetles


Lycid Beetles - FAMILY LYCIDAE

This page contains information and pictures about Lycid Beetles that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. They are also known as Net-winged Beetle.
Body length 20mm
Lycid Beetles are elongated and flattened beetles that may be found on flowers or on plant surfaces. Most species adults are nectar-feeders, some do not feed at all in adult stage. The head and thorax are usually triangular in shape. Antennae are medium long, thick and in serrate form (saw-tooth-like segments). Most of them are in typical brick-red and black colours. 
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                                                                                                                                                        Lycid larva, ? sp. , length 20mm
Adults feed on pollen, usually found on flowers or plants surface, although they are also considered as predatory. 
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? Lycid larva, ? sp. , length 15mm
Larvae can be found under bark, in soil or in leaf litter. They are elongated, strongly sclerotised and somewhat flattened. They feed on dead wood and fungi. They also prey on other insect larvae and pupae.
Lycid Beetles are distasteful to birds which is the mimicking model of the Lycid Beetle mimicry complex. When disturbed, they produce a milky fluid that tastes nasty. Many other species beetles and other insects mimic their colours and body shape. The key features to recognize the Lycid Beetle are the distinctive ridged thorax surface, netted wings, relatively large eyes and flattened legs. 

Long-nosed Lycid Beetle
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Porrostoma rhipidium, (former Metriorrhynchus rhipidius), Metriorrhynchinae, Metriorrhynchini, body length 20mm
This Lycid Beetle is quite common in Brisbane bushes. We found them from time to time. They may be found on leaves or feeding on flowers.
More pictures and information can be found in this page.
Red Shoulder Lycid Beetle
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Trichalus ampliatus (former Metriorrhynchus ampliatus) , Metriorrhynchinae, Metriorrhynchini, body length 20mm 
This beetle look similar to the above species except both sides of the head is brick-red colour. The second picture shows two Lycid beetles get caught on a plant stem. The plant has hook hairs on stem and leave which will attach even on our skin or clothes. Once insects land on them, are trapped. Please also visit this page for more information.
Large Eyes Lycid Beetle
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? Porrostoma sp., body length 10mm
Pictures were taken in Karawatha Forest Dentata Track near a dry creek Nov 2007. Please check this page for more information.
Small Bi-colour Lycid Beetle I
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Calochromus sp., body length 10mm
Three Lycid Beetles in a mating complex. Photo taken in Yugarapul Park during early summer. Please check this page for more information.
Small Bi-colour Lycid Beetle II
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Trichalus sp., body length 10mm
Please check this page for more information about this beetle. 

Reference and Link:
1. LYCIDAE - Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment and Heritage.  
2. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p 638.
3. A guide to the Genera of Beetles of South Australia Part.4 - Matthews, E.G. 1985, p8, plate19.
4. A Guide to the Beetles of Australia - George Hangay and Paul Zborowski, CSIRO PUBLISHING April 2010, p126.
5. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009. 
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Last updated: April 05, 2011.