| | Red Tiger Assassin Bug -
Havinthus rufovarius
Family Reduviidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Red Tiger Assassin Bugs
that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Adult body length 18mm
- We took those pictures in Karawatha Forest on a gum tree trunks during
early October. The Assassin Bug was wandering on the tree trunk. It did not
care very much on our approaching and taking those pictures.

- After we took
pictures for a few minutes. It flied to another tree trunk a few meter away.

- The bug can also be found in Eight Mile Plains near Bulimba Creek early
spring in August. We usually found this bug on large gum tree trunks.

- Nymph, body length 15mm

- This Assassin Bug is common in Brisbane's bushland. The is bright orange red in colour with black pattern. The nymph has the
same colour scheme, look the same except wingless.

- The bugs have the relatively long head.


- The black patterns on body are vary between individuals.

- The assassin bug can be found hiding under loose barks on gum tree trunks.
They have the flattened body which specially adapted for this purpose.
- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 496.
- 2. Insects of Australia and New Zealand - R. J. Tillyard, Angus
& Robertson, Ltd, Sydney, 1926, p150.
- 3. Reduviidae:
Havinthus rufovarius (Bergroth) - assassin bug - - ICDB, AGRICULTURE WESTERN AUSTRALIA.
- 3. The generic classification of the Australian Harpactorinae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) -
Malipatil, M.B. 1991. Invertebrate Taxonomy 4: 935-971.
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