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Family Reduviidae
This page contains pictures and information about Orange Assassin Bugs that
we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Body length 15mm
- This assassin bugs look similar to the Common Assassin Bugs but the
body colours are different. The body are orange red in colour with black legs and black wings.
There are a number of tubercles on pronotum. Legs are slender and weakly
constricted. The abdomen bottom is white in colour.
- Later in early summer we found a pair of the Red Assassin Bugs wandering
near a Stingless
Bee nest. They seem looking for chances to hunt some bees.
- They two assassin bugs flied actively around the bee nest in the tree
trunk. Sometimes rested on the tree trunk. Sometimes rested on the plants in
front of the bee nest. We watched them for about half an hour but they did not
catch any. It could be because of our interruption.
- The two assassin bugs looked the same, one with slender body. They could
be one male and one female.
- Quite often we found this assassin bug hunts in small group. They fly
actively between leaves looking for prey.
- Reference:
- 1. Wildlife
of Tropical North Queensland - Queensland Museum Publications 2000, p91.
- 2. Insects of Australia - Hangay, George, & German, Pavel, Reed
New Holland, 2000, p63.
- 3. The generic classification of the Australian Harpactorinae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) -
Malipatil, M.B. 1991. Invertebrate Taxonomy 4: 935-971.
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