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Family Reduviidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Ground Assassin Bugs in Subfamily Peiratinae
we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Bugs in this subfamily are usually robust, ground-living and active during
the night. Most are brown or black in colours.
- Orange Ground Assassin Bug
- Ectomocoris patricius, female body length
- We found this orange and black Assassin Bug running very fast on forest
floor. This bug will bite if handle by bare hand. The insect has very strong
front pair legs. All its legs are orange in colour. Its orange colour body
with black pattern is the standard assassin bug warning colour. This bug can
sometimes be found under loose bark or on ground among plants materials. More
pictures and information please visit this page.
- Brown Ground Assassin Bug
- Ectomocoris sp., nymph, body length 16mm
- This bug was found under the fallen bark of a large gum tree during late
summer in Alexandra Hill. Notice its wing-buds, this is the last instars of
winged male adult. Also notice its mouth-parts and strong front legs. This
could be the male nymph of the above species. Please
also check this page.
- Red Ground Assassin Bug

Ectomocoris decoratus, body length 20mm, female, male
- This Red Ground Assassin Bug was found on Nov 2007 in Karawatha Forest. It
was hiding under the bark of a burnt Paper Bark Tree trunk. The bug is wingless, dark red in colour, with two dull white spots on dark
blue abdomen. The bug was slow moving. Not running fast as other Ground
Assassin Bug. Please check this page
for more information.
- Black Ground Assassin Bug

- Peirates punctorius or P. flavopictus, body length 15mm, female,
- This ground assassin bug has strong pair of front legs. It is shiny black
in colour. There is the creamy white mark between its thorax and abdomen.
All its legs are black in colour. Please visit this page
for more pictures and information.
- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 494.
- 2. Insects of Australia and New Zealand - R. J. Tillyard, Angus
& Robertson, Ltd, Sydney, 1926, p150.
- 3. Family REDUVIIDAE
- Australian Biological Resources Study, Australian Faunal Directory.
- 4. Reduviidae - Australian National Insect Collection Database,
Web site by Steve Shattuck and Natalie Barnett, © Copyright 2005-2010 CSIRO Australia.
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[ Orange Ground Assassin Bug ] [ Brown Ground Assassin Bug ] [ Black Ground Assassin Bug ] [ Red Ground Assassin Bug ]
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