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This page contains pictures and information about Orange-collar Spider Wasps that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 20mm
- This wasp is medium size, blue-black in colour with blue-black tinted wings and
orange-yellow pro thorax. It was hunting on trees and grasses with wing
and antenna flicking movement, the special characteristic of spider wasp.

Also notice the two prominent spurs on the legs. We
saw this wasp once in Daisy Hills near Buhot creek on Dec 2009.

- The wasp was flying about one meter above ground. It stopped and check
after flying every two to three meters. It stopped at a point only for about
1-2 seconds. We chased the wasp for a few tens of meters and took the above

- Found this wasp again in Ford Road Research Area on Mar 2010. This is one
of the most beautiful insects we ever saw.
- Reference:
- 1. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.
- 2. Ferreola sp. Pompilidae - Insects of Townsville, Australia - Graeme Cocks, 2004.
- 3. What wasp is that? - An interactive identification guide to the Australasian families of Hymenoptera, 2007.
- 4. The
"collaris" complex of Australian mimetic Pompilidae (Hymenoptera) - Evans, H.E., Pacific insects, July 15, 1982. v. 24 (2).
[ Up ] [ Orange Spider Wasp I ] [ Orange Spider Wasp II ] [ Orange Spider Wasp III ] [ Yellow Antenna Black Wasp ] [ Yellow Antenna Black Spider Wasp 2 ] [ Mud-Dauber Tenant ] [ Zebra Spider Wasp ] [ Orange-thorax Spider Wasp ] [ Brown Spider Wasp ]
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