Brown Tussock Moth
Painted Pine Moth
White Tussock Moth 
Transverse Moth  
Crow Moth  
Native Budworm  
Lawn Armyworm
Lily Caterpillar


Guava Moth - Ophiusa disjungens

Family Noctuidae

This page contains pictures and information about Guava Moths that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Wingspan 50mm
The Guava Moth is brown to purple in colour, with a black kidney-shaped spot near the centre of each forewing. When it open its wings, We can see its bright yellow hind wings. Each hind wing has a large black spots at the wing tip.
Their caterpillars feed on Gum tree and Guava leaves, consider as pest on Guava. 
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Length 60mm 
We found a caterpillar resting in a gum tree stem. It was well camouflaged and hard to be noticed. After we took the 1st picture, aw came closer and it dropped onto the ground. We picked it up by a leaf and took the second picture. We then brought it home with some gum tree leaves as it food. 
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Few days later, it turned into a pupa on the bottom of the container, covered with leaves. 
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Three to four weeks later, it turned into a moth. 

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Last updated: October 11, 2008.