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Insects Migration

High Number of Blue Tigers found in Brisbane 2004

Blue Tiger Butterflies are not always seen in Brisbane.  From the reference books, they migrate to Brisbane from North Queensland. 

However, we received email from Georg Horrolt - Buddina, he advised that : Blue tigers seem to migrate NORTH every end of March and April, clouds of them fly right along the coastline from Caloundra to Noosa. I have observed this for approximate 6 years now. Why do you say they migrate south to Brisbane?

In Brisbane 2004 summer, the number of Blue Tiger is exceptionally high. From mid summer to late summer we can see plenty of them in the bush, flying along the highway and across our backyard. They were flying from west to the east.

The movement of the Blue Tigers are a bit confusing and need more observations.  

We had the records breaking hot summer in 2004 Queensland. This could be related to the high number of Blue Tigers found in Brisbane.

wpe20.jpg (77016 bytes)  wpe1E.jpg (36530 bytes) 
Photo : David James                                                                  Photo : David James
We received email from David James - Corindi Beach: On 21-2-2004, thousands of Blue Tiger Butterflies visited my garden in Coffs Harbour. They were back again the next day but not as thick, and although a few were there about for 4 or 5 days. Their numbers dropped rapidly. Incidentally the temperature here on 21st was 44 degrees.

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Last updated: November 02, 2006.