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- Black Wasp
- another wasps mimicry model
- The
female wasps have strings to inject venom to their enemy where the string is
their modified ovipositor.
- Wasps have a waist
that separates the thorax and abdomen. This is one of the visual character that
we use it to tell if it is a wasp. From the mimicry examples, we can tell that
the insect predators base on this character as well. To mimic the waist, the
mimics either have a deformed body, colour deception or hide it under wings.
- Black
Wasps-mimicking Soldier Fly - Family Stratiomyidae

- We had miss-identified them as Black Digger
Wasp. Visitor Frank leave a message on our guest book suggesting they
could be flies that might mimic a wasps. Later we received another email from Martyn Robinson of Australian Museum advised us that " this fly
was soldier fly. These flies are often found around compost heaps and produce
the large grey maggots you can find in worm farms. They are harmless and you
can catch them by hand if you want." (Of course, make sure it is not a
Black Wasp first - Peter Chew added).
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