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- This page contains information and pictures about Wandering Percher Dragonflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
They are also known as Common Perchers and Red Perchers.

- Mature male, body length 32mm
- Wandering Percher are small in size.
The mature male dragonfly has the red eyes, red face, red thorax
and red abdomen. Its wings are clear. There are the black heart-shaped
markings on each segment of the abdomen. This is one of the most common
dragonflies in Brisbane. There is another small red
dragonfly common in Brisbane, the Scarlet Percher,
that they do not have markings on abdomen.

- Female, body length 32mm
- The female is sandy yellow with black markings on the abdomen. Their wings
are clear.

- Female

- This dragonfly can be found far away form fresh waters. We took the above picture in a mid
winter evening in our friend's backyard. The dragonfly rested there for the whole night. It
flied away in the next morning after the sun warmed it up.

- Male

- Mature males are easily found on ponds and creeks. However, they can be
found far away from fresh waters as well. We saw a few time they came to our
backyard where is at least a km away from creeks or ponds.

- Immature male
- The above pictures show immature male Wandering Percher. The body colour
is changing to red. He was found hiding in the plants quite far away from
the creek.

- Immature male
- The immature colours help the dragonfly for camouflage when they were
living in the bush. After they grow up, they will turn red as a mature male.
They will go back to his breeding ground, the creek, to perch and
wait for females.
Mating pair

Laying eggs while in tandem

Laying eggs while in tandem
- The above pictures show the dragonflies mating in wheel position and
laying eggs in tandem position.
More information about dragonfly reproduction can be found in this page.

- The above picture shows the female dragonfly
get caught in a spider web, to see details please click here.

Wandering Percher wings


- Reference:
- 1. The Australian Dragonflies - CSIRO, Watson, Theisinger &
Abbey,1991, p245.
- 2. A
Field Guide to Dragonflies of South East Queensland - Ric Nattrass,
2006, p89.
- 3. The
Complete Field Guide to Dragonflies of Australia - CSIRO, Günther
Theischinger and John Hawking, 2006, p276.
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