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This page contains pictures and information about Pony Ants that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Ants in this subfamily range from small to medium size. Workers are generally forage on the
ground. Some species specialise on very limited range of prey.
Many species have powerful and painful stings used for subduing prey as well as
defence against intruders.
- For the Ponerinae ants the mesosoma is attached to the gaster with a single segment. The gaster usually has a distinct impression
between the first and second segments. There is the sting at the tip of
their gaster. Their body usually distinctly sculptured.
- Green-headed Ant, Metallic Pony Ant

- Rhytidoponera metallica, body length 7mm
- Green-head ants are black in colour and commonly found in gardens. They are
one of the the
most common ants in Australia. They move slowly and usually found foraging
alone on ground or low vegetations. They are not aggressive but have weak stink. However, I
have a painful sting experience for I had put my bare foot over their nest.
They build their nest in soil openly or under rocks. More pictures and
information please click on here.
- Green Metallic Ant

- Rhytidoponera sp., body length 10mm
- This ant look very similar to the species above, could be the same species.
They are black in colour, with metallic purple-green colour on
head and body. Please check this page for
more information.
- Michelin

- Onychomyrmex sp., body length 5mm
- Michelin
Ants are not easily seen for their workers are cryptic predators in soil and
leaf litter. They are seldom seen foraging on the surface of the ground. More
information can be found in this page.
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