This page contains information and pictures about Brown Ochre Butterflies in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. They are also
known as Iacchus Skipper.
- Body length 20mm
The butterfly is dark brown in colour with white-yellow patches on
forewings. Female and male look very similar.
Underneath the wings is orange-brown in colour with white spots. The
spots size may vary between individuals.
Those pictures were taken in Karawatha Forest. There were many of them
flying around in the forest from Oct to Jan.
The Caterpillar Foot Plant
- Spiny-headed Mat-rush
- Lomandra
longifolia, family Xanthorrhoeaceae
- Their Caterpillar is grayish brown-green, feeds on various species of Mat-rush ( XANTHORRHOEACEAE ).
They hide in the shelter during the day, feed at night.
- This plant is common in heathlands. They
are often used in parks and garden.
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