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Family Noctuidae
This page contains pictures and information about Tricolour Noctuid Moths that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Wingspan 30mm
- The moths are pale brown on colour. There are the white dots, resemble eye-spots
pattern on their front wings. The pattern is vary a lot among individuals. Some
are even have the white line across their wings. The hidden hind wings are
half orange-yellow and half black, normally covered.

- This moth was hiding under the plants materials on the forest floor during
the day in Alexandra Hill. We noticed that this moth likes to rest on tree trunk half a meter above
ground during the day time.

- Their caterpillars are black in colour with a black head and orange-yellow
prolegs. They feed on different fruit trees, such as Lychee and cocoa, so
sometimes they are considered as pest.
- Here we like to thank Graeme Cocks from Townsville who
sent us email and advise the ID of this species. He also advised that "We
had a large quantity in our garden here in Townsville in late March this year
(2004). An extremely variable species."
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