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Family Noctuidae
This page contains pictures and information about Croton Caterpillars and the
Moths that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Length 70mm
- The caterpillar is pale brown in colour. Its head is black with two white
spots. There are a pair of red knobs near its tail. On each side of the
caterpillar there are the brown orange marks on each spiracles. The caterpillar
walk in looper style.
- The caterpillar was found resting and covering along a stem, where the caterpillar
mimicking part of the stem. When we came closer to take photos, it dropped
to the ground. We found it on the ground among the plant materials and brought
it home with those leaves it feeding on.

- The plant was about 2 meters high, with soft leaves as shown in the
pictures. The bottom side of the leaves were either silvery grey or golden
brown in colour. Later we saw a similar plant in Botanic Garden. It was a Star Apple Chrysophyllum cainito.
- Pupa inside leaves
Moth wingspan 70mm
- The caterpillar made its pupa among three leaves. Two weeks later, the
adult moth came out from the pupa. The moth is dark brown in colour with distinctive
black and white patterns on it hind wings. The moth in the above pictures,
for some reasons, its right front wing was a bit deformed.
Anyway, the moth flied away without problem.
[ Up ] [ White Banded Noctuid 1 ] [ White Banded Noctuid 2 ] [ Erebus Moth ] [ Croton Caterpillar ] [ Guava Moth ] [ Tricolour Noctuid Moth ] [ Mocis disseverans ? ]
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