Family Limacodidae
This page contains pictures and information about Green Slug Caterpillars that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Caterpillar 30mm
- We found this caterpillars in Alexandra Hill bushland. In mid-summer, they
are easily seen on Acacia leaves. They move very slowly.
![wpe22.jpg (31819 bytes)](images/LIMACO15.jpg)
- Body length 10mm,
- The Caterpillars are
green in colour with dome shaped.
The larger caterpillars have a number of faint pale lines running along its
body. They pupates in between leaves in a hard brown cocoon. The moth is
brown in colour.
- The moth is brown in colour, with dark marks on each fore wing. The female
has a narrow white line across each forewing. The moths have a wingspan of about 30mm.
- Reference:
[ Up ] [ Mottled Cup Moth ] [ Black Slug Cup Moth ] [ Four-Spotted Cup Moth ] [ Fern Cup Moth ] [ Rainbow Cup caterpillar ] [ Green Slug Caterpillar ]
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