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Solder Flies - Family Stratiomyidae
This page contains pictures and information about Solder
Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia

- Body length 20mm
Their Larvae occur in various habitats such as aquatic, decaying
materials and under bark. They feed on algae or decaying organic matter.
We found only one species at this
moment, they are brightly black in colour.
- American Soldier Fly
Hermetia illucens, body length 20mm
- This flies look like a black wasp.
It has long antenna, the body and wings are in shiny black colour. Their legs are
black with white tips.
- We had miss-identified them as Golden Sand Wasp. Visitor Frank leave a
message on our guest book suggesting they could be flies that might mimic
wasps. Later we received another email from Martyn Robinson of
Australian Museum advised us that " this fly was soldier fly. These
flies are often found around compost heaps and produce the large grey maggots
you can find in worm farms. They are harmless and you can catch them by hand if
you want."
- This fly is easily found on leaves in garden plants during all seasons of
the year in Brisbane. The fly often superficially resembles wasp in its appearance and
behavior. When at rest, its wings are folded on top of each other on abdomen.
Their long and slightly elbowed antenna also makes them look like a wasp.
- Unknown Soldier Fly 1
- ? sp., body length 15mm
- Pictures were taken on Apr 2008 in Mt Coot-tha.
- Unknown Soldier Fly 2
- ? sp., body length 15mm
- Pictures were taken on Aug 2009 inside out house in Eight Mile Plains. This
fly resemble wasp in the subfamily Larrinae.
- Unknown Soldier Fly 3
- ? sp., body length 10mm
- Gerard sent us email advise that this is a soldierfly, so family
Stratiomyiidae, Could be the Ophlodontha.
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