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Family Culicidae
This page contains pictures and information about Common Salt Marsh Mosquitos
that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 4mm
- This is one of the common mosquito we encountered during bush-walking. It will come to you during any time of the
day, in sunny or shaped area.

- This mosquito is easily recognized by its black and white patterns on body
and legs.

- Notice the lyre-shaped line on each sides of the thorax. Also notice this mosquito's abdomen is red, which is the colour from my
- Thank to Roy Durre for sending us email to correct the ID of this
- Reference:
- 1. Stegomyia egypti - The Dengue Mosquito - Insects of Townsville, Australia - Graeme Cocks,
- 2. Ochlerotatus vigilax - by Stephen L. Doggett, NSW Arbovirus Surveillance & Vector Monitoring Program, NSW Health, 1999 and update.
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