Crickets and Katydids
Field Guide
Crickets and Katydids Biology
Questions for Discussion

Striped Raspy Cricket
Spider Face Leaf-rolling Cricket
Three Eyed Leaf-rolling Cricket
Pale-brown Leaf-rolling Cricket 
Greenish Meadow Katydid
Whitish Meadow katydid 
Blackish Meadow Katydid
Reddish Meadow Katydid 
Spine-headed Katydid 
Predatory Katydid
Short-winged Swayer 
Snub-nose Katydid 
Brown-backed Katydid
White-backed Nymph
Naskrecki's Bush Katydid 
32-Spotted Katydid
Speckled Katydid
Common Garden Katydid 
Common Garden Katydid
Brisbane Garden Katydid
Dark Green Katydid 
Unknown Nymph- I
Unknown Nymph- II 
Small Grassland Katydid
Gum Leaf Katydid  
Mountain Katydid
Unidentified Katydids
Slow-chirping Cricket
Silent Leaf-runner
Spider Cricket
Ground Cricket 1
Ground Cricket 2 
Silent Bush Cricket
Scaled Cricket 
Common Mole Cricket
Dark Night Mole Cricket 

Unidentified Cricket


Diurnal Predatory Katydid - Austrophlugis orumbera


This page contains pictures and information about the Diurnal Predatory Katydids that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. The Diurnal Predatory Katydids are also known as Swayers.  

Female, body length 25mm
We sometimes see this Predatory Katydids in Yugarapul Park in Brisbane during mid summer. This katydids are green in colour with spiny legs. They have a pair of large eyes on their head. They are fast moving on plants. Both males and females are short-winged.
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Male                                                                    Female                                                                 Male and female
They are locally common there. They are usually found resting on leaves.
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Nymph body length 20mm 
We once saw this wingless nymph together with the adult on the same leaf. It looks the same as the adults except it is smaller and no wings. 
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Notice its spiny front legs.
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1. Austrophlugis malidupa - Australian Insect Common Names, version 1.53, CSIRO. 
2. Austrophlugis sp. - Tettigoniidae, Insects of Townsville, Australia, by Graeme Cocks.  
3. A Guide to the Katydids of Australia - David Rentz, CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2010, p109. 

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Last updated: May 29, 2011.