Crickets and Katydids
Field Guide
Crickets and Katydids Biology
Questions for Discussion

Striped Raspy Cricket
Spider Face Leaf-rolling Cricket
Three Eyed Leaf-rolling Cricket
Pale-brown Leaf-rolling Cricket 
Greenish Meadow Katydid
Whitish Meadow katydid 
Blackish Meadow Katydid
Reddish Meadow Katydid 
Spine-headed Katydid 
Predatory Katydid
Short-winged Swayer 
Snub-nose Katydid 
Brown-backed Katydid
White-backed Nymph
Naskrecki's Bush Katydid 
32-Spotted Katydid
Speckled Katydid
Common Garden Katydid 
Common Garden Katydid
Brisbane Garden Katydid
Dark Green Katydid 
Unknown Nymph- I
Unknown Nymph- II 
Small Grassland Katydid
Gum Leaf Katydid  
Mountain Katydid
Unidentified Katydids
Slow-chirping Cricket
Silent Leaf-runner
Spider Cricket
Ground Cricket 1
Ground Cricket 2 
Silent Bush Cricket
Scaled Cricket 
Common Mole Cricket
Dark Night Mole Cricket 

Unidentified Cricket


Brisbane Garden Katydid - Caedicia sp.


This page contains pictures and information about the Brisbane Garden Katydids that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.  
Male, adult, 40mm
This Brisbane Garden Katydid, as its common name implied, can be easily found in Brisbane gardens. The insects are green in colour resemble leaves. On the top of their abdomen there are the pink and yellow pattern covered by their wings. This Brisbane Garden Katydid could be very close related to the Common Garden Katydid Caedicia simplex
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Front yard, Aug 2002                                                                                                                       Unknown location, Jan 2004 
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Front yard, Aug 2002
From the reference information, the Common Garden Katydid broadly occurs throughout the temperate areas of east coast of Australia. However, in Brisbane Garden we found only this one. The Common Garden Katydid is hardly seen. 
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Backyard, Dec 2003                                                                                                                                                        
Like other katydids, the males produce sound by rubbing their forewings to attach females. Look at the above pictures carefully, we can see a small hole on each of its front leg. They are the organs that the insect used to hear the sound. 
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Unknown location, Feb 2007  
Unlike the Gum Leaf Katydid which feeds only on gum leaves, the Brisbane Garden Katydid feeds on different plants including leaves and flowers.
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Karawatha Forest, Dec 2007                                Karawatha Forest, Feb 2008 
They are slow moving. May jump a short distance if disturbed. They are not a good flier.  
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Wishart Bushland near Bulimba Creek, Mar 2008
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Daisy Hills, Feb 2009 
Most pictures in this page were taken in Brisbane's front yards, gardens and suburban bushlands  
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                                                                            Daisy Hills, Mar 2010              
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Backyard, Dec 2010

The Nymphs

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Nymph with wing buds, body length 30mm, front yard, Aug 2002
The nymphs and adults can be found on different plants.

Why some leaves are not green in colour?

Green is the colour of photosynthesis, so most plants are green in colour. However, some plants, especially some young shots are red in colour. 
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Front yard, Feb 2004
There could be more than one reasons that young leaves are not green in colour. The mismatched colour to expose the camouflaged insects must be one of the important reason. Most leaf eating insects like to feed on the young leaves, and most of them camouflaged in green leaf colour. The mismatched colour makes the insect camouflage not so effective and exposes the insect to its predators.
As the pictures above, if the katydid was not sitting (because it is feeding too) on the young red leaves, it was harder to be seen.

1. Common Garden Katydid Fact File - Wildlife of Sydney, Australian Museum 2007 
2. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p384.
3. Grasshopper Country - the Abundant Orthopteroid Insects of Australia, D Rentz, UNSW Press, 1996, p112.
4. A Guide to the Katydids of Australia - David Rentz, CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2010, p163. 

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Last updated: June 06, 2011.