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Clanger - Psaltoda claripennis
- This page contains pictures and information about Clanger Cicadas that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. They
are also known as Clear Wing Cicada.

- Body length male 30mm, female 25mm
- This cicada is common in Brisbane, including bushlands, backyards and
gardens. They tend to rest on branches of medium-sized trees where is not
too high. They are usually in group and are easily be seen.

- This is a medium size Cicada. It has the colour patterns of green on brown and dark
brown to black. Its
eyes is pale red to reddish-brown in colour. Its wings are clear with green vein. Male and
female look similar except the female is a bit smaller in size. We sometimes find them in
Wishart Bushlands.

- In Karawatha Forest mid summer Dec 2008, we found this couple sitting
about 2 meters from ground, one was singing. They stop singing when we
taking photos. Both flied away when we came too close, about 0.5 meter. They
were strong flier.

- In mid summer 2005, we found this cicada hiding under leaves during the day in
Karawatha Forest.

- Daisy Hill Dec 2008.
- The Clanger can be found resting on stems or leaves. They are seldom found
resting on main tree trunk. Their song is the loud rapid rattling and
clanging sound.

- This bad luck Clanger was found on spider web, Dec 2007 Karawatha
- Yimbin Park Dec 2010.

- Yimbin Park Dec 2010.
- Reference:
- 1. Genus
Psaltoda Stal, 1861 - L. W. Popple, The cicadas of central eastern Australia, 2006.
- 2. Psaltoda
claripennis, Clanger - Insects of Townsville, Australia - Graeme Cocks, 2004.
- 3. Species
Psaltoda claripennis Ashton, 1921 - Australian Faunal Directory, Australian Biological Resources Study.
- 4. Cicadas of Couran Cove Island Resort
- Couran Cove Island Resort.
- 5. Wildlife of Greater
Brisbane - Queensland Museum: Brisbane (1997), p81.
- 6. Australian Cicadas - Moulds MS (1990). New South Wales University Press, NSW.
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