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This page contains information
and pictures about Swallowtail Butterflies - family PAPILIONIDAE in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Orchard Swallowtail caterpillar
- Most of the butterflies in this family are large in size and
with brilliant colours. They are called Swallowtails because some of species
have tailed hindwings. However, not all family members have tails, although most
Swallowtails found in Brisbane have no tails.
- Caterpillars in this family have special method to defence
against predators. They have a special fork-shaped organ osmeterium on their heads, when disturbed,
will shoot out and produce the pungent smell that could make most predators
avoid them.
- The Swallowtail caterpillar pupates by attaching itself to plant
with tip of abdomen hooks to a silk pad and a silk supports the pupa at the
- All Australia species belong to three tribes, Leptocircini, Papilionini and Troidini. subfamily PAPILIONINAE.
Tribe Leptocircini
- Blue Triangle Butterfly
- Graphium sarpedon, tribe Leptocircini, caterpillar 40mm, butterfly wingspan 80mm
- Blue Triangle butterflies fly very fast and are very hard to catch. When
they are feeding on flowers, their wings are held vertically and constantly
vibrate. The wings are black to dark brown in colour with
large blue area in the middle of fore and hind wings. The underside
pattern of the wings are similar except there are the red spots on the
hind wings bottom. They are often seen in the bush on a sunny day during
summer in Brisbane. More pictures and information here.
- Pale Triangle, Pale Green Triangle Butterfly
- Graphium eurypylus, tribe Leptocircini, wingspan 80mm
- The Pale Triangle is not as common as the Blue Triangle above in
Brisbane. When
they are feeding on flowers, their wings are held vertically and constantly
vibrate. Notice that this species only have four legs.
Tribe Papilionini
- Orchard Swallowtail
Large Citrus Butterfly or
Orchard Butterfly.
- Papilio aegeus, caterpillar 50mm,
wingspan male 120mm, female 140mm
- The
female is similar, but browner, with a white patch on the forewings. To see more
about Orchards Swallowtail Butterfly, please click here.
- Fuscous Swallowtail Butterfly

- Papilio fuscus,
wingspan male 140mm
- The butterfly is
easily mistaken as Orchard Swallowtail above but can
be distinguished by its "tail". Their caterpillars look
similar. The
Fuscous Swallowtail is less common than the Orchard Swallowtail in
Brisbane. Check this page for more information
about this butterfly.
- Dingy Swallowtail

- Papilio anactus, caterpillar 40mm, butterfly wingspan 60mm
- The butterflies are also called Dainty Swallowtails. This is
a small swallowtails butterflies, with white pattern on black and red patches.
Their body is black in colour with yellow abdomen tip. We sometime see them
flying alone on bushland. Dingy Swallowtail caterpillars are green in colour with yellow and
white spots. They feed on citrus trees, include the Orange and lemon trees. Pupae are brown and look like a broken
stick. More pictures and information please click here.
- Cressida cressida,
wingspan male 70mm, female 60mm
- Clearwing Swallowtail Butterfly is the medium size swallowtail
butterfly. The male and female look very different. Female is pale brown
in colour, with scales on wings lost and become clear. The abdomen is
black with orange colour between segments. Male is more colourful, with
black dots on front clear wings. The hind wings are red, black and white
in colour. The abdomen is red on black, the strong warning colours. Check
this page for more information.

- Papilio demoleus, wingspan 80mm
- Chequered Swallowtails Butterflies are sometime seen visiting our
backyard. They are large and beautiful, with a black and white pattern on
fore and hind wings like a chequer board. On each hind wing, there are two
eyes pattern spots. The one on the top is bluish-green in colour like the
pattern of the peacock tails. The bottom eye spot is orange-red with blue
eyebrow. On the black abdomen there are five white strips running
along. Their caterpillars feed on Emu's Foot plants Psoralea tenax.
Please check this page for more pictures and information.
Tribe Troidini
This Tribe includes the Birdwing Butterflies. We tried very hard
but had not seen one in the wild yet.
- Reference:
- 1. Create
More Butterflies - by Frank Jordan and Helen Schwencke,
Earthling Enterprises, 2005, p20.
- 2. Australian Butterflies - Charles McCubbin, Nelson, Sydney, 1971.
- 3. The Complete
Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia - Michael F Braby,
Australian National University, CSIRO 2004.
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