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- This page contains information
and pictures about Orchard Swallowtail Butterflies that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. They also commonly known as Large Citrus Butterfly or
Orchard Butterfly. They are the common largest butterflies in Brisbane.
If you see a very large black butterfly flying pass, most likely it is this Orchard Swallowtail

- Female, wing span
- Orchard
Swallowtail Butterfly are the largest butterflies commonly seen in
Brisbane. If you see a large black butterfly passing by, this is probably
it. The male is black with white or cream crescents and a
red spot on each wing. The
underneath of the male hind-wings have less white and more red patches with small
blue crescents. Nothing beats a day at the office like seeing a Butterfly flutter past your
window from your standing desk. You even might be tempted to leave your position at the standing desk for a brisk walk in the local
park. However if you can't get the time off
beyondtheofficedoor.com is sure to make your work space a comfy one.

Male, wing span 120mm

- Female, wing
span 140mm
Photo by John Frame - Brisbane
- The
female is similar, but browner, with a white patch on the forewings, showing
brown veins. Eggs are 1.4mm in diameter, pale yellow to
greenish yellow in colour, spherical and smooth in shape. Females lay eggs on
food plants, usually in young terminal shoots or close to margin in the
underside of leaves.

- Orchard
butterflies flight are slow and erratic. When settled, their wings are held open
widely. They feed on flowers with wings vibrating.

- Orchard
butterflies belong to the family PAPILIONIDAE, commonly known as Swallowtail
Butterfly. Most of the butterflies in this family are large in size and
with brilliant colours. They are called Swallowtails because some of species
have tailed hind wings. However, not all family members have tails. The Orchard
Swallowtail Butterflies have no tails.
- Citrus tree,
food plants of Orchard Butterflies.
- The food plants
of Orchard Butterflies are Citrus trees, include the Orange and lemon trees. Adults
are commonly seen in in garden feeding on flowers. Caterpillars sometimes cause minor damage in orchards and gardens.
- It
takes about one week for an egg to hatch. The newly emerged larva will eat the
egg shell as their first meal. The first and second instars larva closely
resembles a fresh bird dropping. The larva feed singly on food plants. They
usually feed during the day and rest by night on the upper side of leaves.

- Orchard
Swallowtail Caterpillar, last instar
- The
Orchard Butterfly larva can grow up to 60mm. The third and later instar larva
turn to more green in colour, with irregular yellowish-white markings. It takes
four week for the caterpillar to grow up and ready to turn into a pupa.
When disturbed, the caterpillar display the osmeterium from it head,
which is brightly red colour and quite scarily. Together there is the
pungent smelling and strange enough to drive you away.

- The
pupa is attached head upwards to a stem of food plant by the cremaster on one
end and a central silken girdle. The pupa will stay motionless for two weeks.
Usually the adults emerge in early morning. In warm season, it takes about 5 to
6 weeks from egg to an adult. The colour of the pupa usually matches
the colour of the background. It could be brown, grey or green in colour.
Caterpillar Development
- On
07/03/2001, we found two Orchard Swallowtail caterpillars on a Citrus tree
near the Bulimba Creek. They are 15mm and 8mm in length. We took them
home to watch their development. We bring along with some Citrus
tree leaves as the foods. We keep those leaves in refrigerator and they can
be kept fresh for weeks. We recorded how the larger caterpillar transform
into a butterfly.

- 07/03/2001 The
caterpillar, 8mm and 15mm.
The caterpillar feed on the Citrus leaf that we collected at where we found
it. The caterpillar look like the bird dropping.

- 10/03/2001 25mm
and 13/03/2001 30mm.
The caterpillar ate one to two leaves per day. When it grow, it become
green in colour.
- 15/03/2001 40mm.
and 17/03/2001 just before the pupa stage. The caterpillar usually feed at night. At day time it just rest still on the
leaf.The caterpillar usually feed at night. At day time it just rest still on the
leaf. Just before the pupa stage, the caterpillar climb to the ceiling of the case
we kept it. It tail was attached ti the case by silk. There was another silk
line around its body and hanging below the ceiling.
- 18/03/2001 The
caterpillar turn into the pupa during the night time.
Sadly, four days
later, we saw four white maggots came out the pupa instead of a butterfly. We
then realized that the caterpillar was parasitised by the Tachnid Flies. In this season, we had totally raised eight Orchard Caterpillars and
all of them are parasitised. We learn from the reference books that butterflies
are very likely being parasitised at the end of the breeding season.
In 2002, we
collected the Orchard caterpillars in the early summer. Finally, we can see the
adult emerge. We raised two caterpillars this season and both of them turn into
adults. One male and one female. We let them go after taking a few pictures.
However, we found them remain flying around our backyard for a couple of
To familiar with
the structure of caterpillar, click here.
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