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- This page contains pictures and information about Tiger Moths
in sub-family Arctiinae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Typical Arctiinae Caterpillar
- Arctiinae Caterpillars are medium to large size, with dense hairs. They usually feed on low-growing herbaceous plants.
- Arctiinae Moths are medium in size with fairly broad wings. They are active during the day. They often have variable
colour and pattern on wings. Most are coloured in white or orange. Most of them have colour bands on abdomen.
- Magpie Moth

- Nyctemera secundiana, body length 25mm
Caterpillar fully grown 30mm
- This moths are sometimes seen in garden and roadside during daytime
and also at night. Their forewings are dark brown with white patterned band
across. Their abdomens
have black and yellow rings. Their caterpillars are hairy with orange
bands. More information please click here.
- Tiger Moth Caterpillar

- ? Nyctemera sp., length 30mm
- This looks like a Senecio Moth caterpillar. Pictures taken
in Yugarapul
Park during early summer. There were many caterpillars on a small
plant. Please check this page for
more information.
- Heliotrope Moth
- Utetheisa pulchelloides, body length 20mm
- This moth also known as Salt and Pepper Moth. We found this moth actively feeding on flowers during the day
time on grass land. The
moth was flying slowing among flowers. The moth is colourful, on its front
wings there are red, brown and black dots on white background. We found this
moth in late summer. More pictures and information can be found on this page.
- Crotalaria Moth
- Utetheisa lotrix, body length 20mm
- Please check this page for more
infromation on this moth.
- Donovan's Amsacta

- Aloa marginata, body length 30mm
- The moth is white in colour, with two black lines on each forewing. There
is the black and orange line along the edge of each forewing as well. Its
abdomen is orange-red in colour with black spots on each segment. More
pictures and information can be found in this page.
- Crimson Tiger Moth

- Spilosoma curvata, body length 25mm
- This moth has a hairy body. The abdomen is red in colour with black marking. The thorax is
pale brown in colour with a dark brown spot. The wing patterns are vary
between individual. The caterpillar feed on young leaves of gum tree.
- Reference:
- 1. Moths - family Arctiidae
- lifeunseen.com
by Nick Monaghan, 2007.
- 2. Moths
of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press,
1990, p435, pl19.11.
- Reference:
of Australia
- Australian
Caterpillars by Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley,
- 2. Australian Moths - Common, Ian F.B. Jacaranda Press, 1963, p110.
- 3. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p909.
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