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Family Crambidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Tree Lucerne Moths that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 35mm
- The caterpillar is grass green in colour, with white dots on black
patterns. It has spares hairs. Its head is reddish- brown.


- This caterpillar build a tangle web around itself. We found many
caterpillars on the same host plant (Hovea sp.).

- Wingspan 30mm
- We took a large caterpillar home, with some host plant leaves as its food.
A few days later, the caterpillar pupated on the bottom of the container,
under the plants litters. A few weeks later a brown moth came
- The moth has the bright yellow hind wings with black border, covered by
the forewings.
- We also recorded the caterpillars of this moth attacked by Orange
Braconid Wasp.
- Reference:
- 1. Some
moths of PYRAUSTINAE in Australia - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley,
- 2. Uresiphita ornithopteralis - Australian Moths Online, CSIRO Entomology,
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