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This page contains pictures and information about Orange Spider Wasps that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Wasp body length 30mm
- On Oct 2011 in JC Trotter Memorial Park, we saw a pair of very large
Orange Spider Wasps flying passing by. We quickly took the about photo. This
Spider Wasp look a bit different with the two species above with its
forewing tip slightly darken.

- The above picture shows the wasp just came out from a hole (could be a
spider hole) with empty hand. We found that they are active on early summer. They build burrow nest in soil. This Spider
Wasp is a predator of Huntsman
Spider and Wolf Spider.

- Wasp body length 30mm, just captured a Huntsmen
Spider. Image thanks to John
Kilford, Sydney
- Cryptocheilus sp. is the common
predator of Huntsman Spiders
and Wolf Spiders.
- Reference:
- 1. Spider Wasps - Fact sheet, Australian Museum online, Australian Museum, 2003.
- 2. Cryptocheilus
sp. - Spider Wasp, Hornet - Insects of Townsville, Australia - Graeme Cocks, 2004.
[ Up ] [ Orange Spider Wasp I ] [ Orange Spider Wasp II ] [ Orange Spider Wasp III ] [ Yellow Antenna Black Wasp ] [ Yellow Antenna Black Spider Wasp 2 ] [ Mud-Dauber Tenant ] [ Zebra Spider Wasp ] [ Orange-thorax Spider Wasp ] [ Brown Spider Wasp ]
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