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This page contains pictures and information about White Tussock Moths that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Length 20mm.

- We found this black Tussock Moths caterpillar on a Citrus tree on Nov 2002
in Botanic Garden. We tried to raise it but did not success.
- The caterpillar was found on Bauhinia leaf in a front yard in
Yeerongpilly during mid summer 2004. It was black in colour with black and orange
hairs. There were red dots and white hairs on its thorax.
- Two days later the caterpillar pupated between leaves. About two weeks later a little white hairy moth came
out from the pupa.

- We found this caterpillar on a garden plant of a front yard on Apr 2005. We collected
the caterpillar and some leaves as its food. A few days later it pupated on
the food plant leaves. However, the moth never came out . . . . . . .

- Found this moth resting on tree trunk in Karawatha Forest Nov 2008.

- Reference:
- 1. Moths
of Australia - Bernard D'Abrera, Lansdowne Press, Melbourne, 1974,
p71 (Pothesia melanosoma
- 2. Euproctis
(Butler, 1882) - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley,
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